S12 Modern ABAP II – ABAP SQL  

Aktueller Status
Not Enrolled
This kurs is currently closed

ABAP has undergone remarkable product maintenance by SAP in recent years and has developed into a modern programming language. In addition to preparing for access to HANA-specific elements (Core Data Services (CDS), ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP)), the non-database-specific concepts in particular have undergone enormous further development.

After a brief review of the key points of the previous course regarding operators, expressions and functions, this course begins with the application of these new syntax elements to internal tables. In addition, the operators and expressions introduced specifically for internal tables are introduced. This is followed by an intensive treatment of the new SQL syntax in ABAP. To distinguish it from the previous OPEN SQL, SAP has chosen the name ABAP SQL. The course concludes with an overview of the new features of ABAP OO syntax.

Kurs Info:

This course includes: 11 units with a total of 41 quizzes and 38 exercises.

We recommend the courses [A01 – Introduction to ABAP] and [A03 – Object-oriented programming in ABAP] as a basis for this course. The courses [A02 – Data Dictionary] and [A12 – Data Dictionary for Database Tables] are also helpful. Knowledge from the course [S11 – Modern ABAP I] is absolutely essential.

The Quicks take about 10 hours to complete. The processing time of the exercises is of course user-dependent, but we estimate it to be around 8 hours.

Dr. Alexander Maetzing

Dr. Alexander Maetzing

Dozent und Berater

Alexander Maetzing ist zwar studierter Physiker, aber bereits seit mehr als 20 Jahren im SAP-Umfeld tätig. Ursprünglich aus der SAP-Basis stammend, erweiterte er seinen Fokus rasch um die Programmierung in SAP-Systemen. Die Erfahrungen aus beiden Welten fließen so in seinen Wissenstransfer ein.